Double prompt and garbled R help with remote R on WinXP emacs -
i have installed modified emacs version windows xp vincent goulet , want run , edit r scripts contained on remote unix server using ess-remote. after lot of searching able connect remote r session in following way:
- open shell prompt
m-x shell
- enter following command:
plink -x -c username@server
- after entering password, start r in shell simple command
- assign remote process command
m-x ess-remote
while able interact r successfully, double prompt , worse yet, if open file function, garbled text in same r process buffer, instead of new buffer opening legible r text. how can buffer open in separate window usual emacs , r interaction, , how can rid of double-prompts when execute shell?
microsoft windows xp [version 5.1.2600] (c) copyright 1985-2001 microsoft corp. c:\documents , settings\username>plink -x -c username@remoteserver plink -x -c username@remoteserver username@remoteserver's password: [username@remoteserver ~]$ r r r version 2.11.0 (2010-04-22) copyright (c) 2010 r foundation statistical computing isbn 3-900051-07-0 r free software , comes absolutely no warranty. welcome redistribute under conditions. type 'license()' or 'licence()' distribution details. natural language support running in english locale r collaborative project many contributors. type 'contributors()' more information , 'citation()' on how cite r or r packages in publications. type 'demo()' demos, 'help()' on-line help, or 'help.start()' html browser interface help. type 'q()' quit r. welcome @ sat jul 24 11:50:45 2010 > > options(sterm='iess') options(sterm='iess') > > x <- c(1,2,3) > > x [1] 1 2 3 > > ?mean(x) [?1049h[?1h=[24;1h[kmean package:base r documentation arithmetic mean description: generic function (trimmed) arithmetic mean. usage: mean(x, ...) ## default s3 method: mean(x, trim = 0, na.rm = false, ...) arguments: x: r object. there methods numeric/logical vectors , date, date-time , time interval objects, , data frames of columns have method. complex vectors allowed 'trim = 0', only. trim: fraction (0 0.5) of observations trimmed
[24;1h[k:[24;1h[24;1h[k each end of 'x' before mean computed. values of trim [24;1h[k: [24;1h[24;1h[k outside range taken nearest endpoint.
na.rm: logical value indicating whether 'na' values should stripped before computation proceeds. ...: further arguments passed or other methods. value: data frame, named vector appropriate method being applied column column. if 'trim' 0 (the default), arithmetic mean of values in 'x' computed, numeric or complex vector of length one. if 'x' not logical (coerced numeric), numeric (including integer) or complex, 'na_real_' returned, warning. if 'trim' non-zero, symmetrically trimmed mean computed fraction of 'trim' observations deleted each end before mean computed. references: [24;1h[k:[24;1h[24;1h[k becker, r. a., chambers, j. m. , wilks, a. r. (1988) _the new s [24;1h[k:[24;1h[24;1h[k language_. wadsworth & brooks/cole. [24;1h[k: [24;1h[24;1h[k [24;1h[k:[24;1h[24;1h[ksee also: [24;1h[k: [24;1h[24;1h[k [24;1h[k:[24;1h[24;1h[k 'weighted.mean', 'mean.posixct', 'colmeans' row , column [24;1h[k: [24;1h[24;1h[k means. [24;1h[k:[24;1h[24;1h[k [24;1h[k: [24;1h[24;1h[kexamples: [24;1h[k:[24;1h[24;1h[k [24;1h[k: [24;1h[24;1h[k x <- c(0:10, 50) [24;1h[k:[24;1h[24;1h[k xm <- mean(x) [24;1h[k: [24;1h[24;1h[k c(xm, mean(x, trim = 0.10)) [24;1h[k:[24;1h[24;1h[k [24;1h[k: [24;1h[24;1h[k mean(usarrests, trim = 0.2) [24;1h[k:[24;1h[24;1h[k [24;1h[k: [24;1h[24;1h[k [24;1h[k:[24;1h[24;1h[k[24;1h[k(end) [24;1h[24;1h[k[24;1h[k(end) [24;1h[24;1h[k[24;1h[k(end) [24;1h[24;1h[k[24;1h[k(end) [24;1h[24;1h[k[24;1h[k(end) [24;1h[24;1h[k[24;1h[k(end) [24;1h[24;1h[k[24;1h[k(end) [24;1h[24;1h[k[24;1h[k(end) [24;1h[24;1h[k[24;1h[k(end) [24;1h[24;1h[k[24;1h[k(end) [24;1h[24;1h[k[24;1h[k(end) [24;1h[24;1h[k[24;1h[k(end) [24;1h[24;1h[k[24;1h[k(end) [24;1h[24;1h[k[24;1h[k(end) [24;1h[24;1h[k[24;1h[k(end) [24;1h[24;1h[k[24;1h[k(end) [24;1h[24;1h[k[24;1h[k(end)
here contents of site-start.el tramp inclusion reference:
(require 'tramp) ;(setq tramp-chunksize "500") (setq tramp-default-method "plink") (setq exec-path (cons (expand-file-name "c:/putty_shortcut/") exec-path))
for colour code issue, need enable ansi-color support in shell mode:
;; shell mode (add-hook 'shell-mode-hook (function (lambda () (ansi-color-for-comint-mode-on))))
i'm not seeing double-prompt in examples, can create custom shell autoexec file set custom prompt:
(edit: ah, meant double >
prompt within r. don't know that, sorry. i'll leave comments below in case it's useful someone...)
program used comes variable `explicit-shell-file-name', or (if nil) eshell environment variable, or (if nil) `shell-file-name'. if file `~/.emacs_shellname' exists, or `~/.emacs.d/', given initial input
might contain export ps1="\n\u@\h \w $ "
simple uncoloured prompt.
see c-h f shell ret more information.
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