i'm trying create simple pickerview 2 components, drawing label data small mutablearray , output data simple matrix. purpose of wheel select value 0 1000, , spit out number in label , value rest of application's functions. some specific info i'm doing: (skip down last paragraph problem) the left wheel spins "hundred's" column, , right wheel spins "ten's" column, you're creating 1 value 2 wheels. want let user create value of 0, 10, 20, 30... 990, 1000 (every ten units 1000).the first component easy label, have 2 arrays populate second component's row's labels. first array second component creates 00 - 90 label, second array (for when 1000 selected) has 00 value. when user wants select 1000, 10 on first wheel , 00 on second. change row count second wheel component when first wheel component @ row 10. second component shows "00". didselectrow method uses matrix values of 0 - 990 , works great. , make string , convert n...