android ndk - compiling a driver -

i require convert linux driver android. can me kernel twiking ? there change driver makefile ? source files of kernel ? can use insmod/mknod in adb shell load driver dynamically ?

any hint welcomed...


lots of questions...

yes, need change makefiles in kernel. example, if driver source in drivers/net, you'll need change makefile there builds sources.

you need add new configuration option in kconfig file build process knows if needs build sources, if needs built module, etc. you'll need run 'make oldconfig' or similar include new option in kernel .config.

kernel sources available in same way android sources (see; have add .repo/local_manifest.xml file such as:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest>  <project path="kernel" name="kernel/omap" revision="refs/heads/android-omap-2.6.29"/> </manifest> 

and yes, if build driver module can use insmod/rmmod insert/remove running kernel.



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