c# - Is Marshalling only used only for Converting Structure to Byte and ViceVersa? -
after going through marshall
code snippet got idea marshalling used convert struct bytes , few other similar convesrions. use of marshall?
and while going through msdn sample got floowing line:
// initialize unmanged memory hold struct. intptr pnt = marshal.allochglobal(marshal.sizeof(p));
and few other sites got follwing lines like:
when work `unmanaged` code, `marshaling` data `managed app-domain` `unmanaged` realm.
now manged
, unmanaged
domain or managed
, unmanaged
code. while writing code how able distinguish managed
, unmanaged
i need clear fundamentals before going ahead, suggestion,doc or walkthrough sincere grattitude.
managed code code runs using clr (common language runtime)...
unmanaged code code not dependent on clr, during runtime, such c program.
there wikipedia article of computer science topics out there... google friend of developer.
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