c# - DataReader, DataColumn - Can These Show Me Columns In Schema Such as SomeSchema.SomeColumn? -

i have database table columns in multiple schemas. example:

 sometable someschema.column1 someschema.column2 anotherschema.columna anotherschema.columnb

i have code using datatable.rows[r][c].tostring() syntax , looks column1 or columna part being returned. need full name someschema.column1 right seems code throwing sql exception column1 not found. i'm assuming if can reference someschema.column1 correct exception. can using datatable or datacolumn or there approach need take this? ideas? have searched google , site such keywords "c# datatable datacolumn schema table dbo" , have not had luck.

lmao, i've been working on long without break think... it's not columns have schema, table, think can tweak query table name schema think feed right in existing code , good... i'll post after it's done , tested... sigh...


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