Will Google Android ever support .NET? -

now g1 google's android os available (soon), android platform ever support .net?

update: since wrote answer 2 years ago, productized mono run on android. work included few steps: porting mono android, integrating visual studio, building plugins monodevelop on mac , windows , exposing java android apis .net languages. available @ http://monodroid.net

mono on android based on mono 2.10 runtime, , defaults 4.0 profile c# 4.0 compiler , uses mono's new sgen garbage collection engine, our new distributed garbage collection system performs gc across java , mono.

the links below reflect mono on android of january of 2009, have kept them historical context

mono works on android work of koushik dutta , marc crichton.

you can see video of running here: http://www.koushikdutta.com/2009/01/mono-on-android-with-gratuitous-shaky.html

and can instructions build mono here: http://www.koushikdutta.com/2009/01/building-mono-for-android.html

you can benchmark comparing mono's jit vs dalvik's interpreter here: http://www.koushikdutta.com/2009/01/dalvik-vs-mono.html

and of course, can pre-configured image mono here (go bottom of post details on using that): http://www.koushikdutta.com/2009/01/building-mono-for-android.html


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