ipad - Need help with an activity indicator -

i can't activity indicator work.

here's i've got-

-(void)viewwillappear:(bool)animated{ [super viewwillappear:yes]; //create instance of activity indicator view uiactivityindicatorview * activityindicator = [[uiactivityindicatorview alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(0, 0, 20, 20)]; //set initial property [activityindicator stopanimating]; [activityindicator hideswhenstopped]; //create instance of bar button item custome view of activity indicator uibarbuttonitem * barbutton = [[uibarbuttonitem alloc] initwithcustomview:activityindicator]; //set bar button navigation bar [self navigationitem].rightbarbuttonitem = barbutton; //memory clean [activityindicator release]; [barbutton release]; } 

the part of code supposed started , ended--

...     else if ([theselection isequaltostring: @"update statistics"])     {         [self starttheanimation];         [updatestatistics  updatethe2010statistics];         [self stoptheanimation];     } ...   -(void)starttheanimation {     [(uiactivityindicatorview *)[self navigationitem].rightbarbuttonitem.customview startanimating]; }  -(void)stoptheanimation {     [(uiactivityindicatorview *)[self navigationitem].rightbarbuttonitem.customview stopanimating]; } 

at least change:

   [activityindicator hideswhenstopped]; 


   activityindicator.hideswhenstopped = yes; 

or remove line, since yes default.


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