c++ - Lagging video display using cvShowImage() -

i'm trying display video file @ 25fps smoothly without lag. code below this, achieves 10fps, taking 0.1ms execute. cvwaitkey(1) around 0.03 0.04ms, perfect, named window stays grey , doesn't show video!

is because cvshowimage() slow? there other way speed code , output video smoothly?

see code below.

thanks lot in advance,


#include <cv.h> #include <iostream> #include <highgui.h> #include <cxcore.h> #include <cvaux.h> #include <sstream> #include <time.h> using namespace std; using namespace cv;  int main(int argc, char** argv) {     cvcapture* vid = 0;      iplimage* input; //input image      int fps;     int i=0;      clock_t start, end;      /*creates gui output processed images*/     cvnamedwindow("video input", 0);      /*open input video*/     if (argc!=2)     {  cout << "please specify input video." << endl;  return -1;     }     else     {  vid=cvcreatefilecapture(argv[1]);  if (!vid)  {      cout << "could not extract frame." << endl;      return -1;  }     }      input = cvqueryframe(vid);      fps = (int)cvgetcaptureproperty(vid, cv_cap_prop_fps);     cout << fps << endl;      cout << "video found." << endl;     /*extraction loop */     while (input)     {  start = clock();   cout << flush;  cout << << "\r";   i++;   /*show image*/  cvshowimage("video input", input);   cvwaitkey(2); //wait needed or else see grey box   input = cvqueryframe(vid); //read next frame video  end = clock();  cout << (double)(end-start)/clocks_per_sec << " s" << endl;     };      /*release allocated memory frames */     cvreleaseimage(&input);     cvdestroywindow("video input");     return 1; } 

have tried without cout stuff?

the debug build of microsoft stl has cout handling unbelievably slow.


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