pointers - Manipulating data members (C++) -

i have method takes object argument.

both caller , argument have same members (they instances of same class).

in method, particular members compared , then, based on comparison, 1 member of argument object needs manipulated :

class object {     // members  public:   somemethod (object other) {     int result;    member1 - other.member1 = result;    other.member2 = other.member2 - result;  } 

the thing doesn't change other.member2 out of scope, , change needs permanent.

so yes, sorry: need advice on pointers... have looked online , in books, can't working. figure 1 of @ , know answer in 30 seconds. have rftm , @ stupid loss. not encouraging.

thanks everyone!

this because passing value (which equates passing copy. think of making photocopy of document , asking them make changes, still have original changes make won't reflected in copy when back. but, if tell them copy located, can go , make changes see next time go access it). need pass either reference object with

object& object 

or pointer object

object * object 

check out this page discussion of differences.


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