C# and Google Checkout - getting the reply back from the server? -
are there tutorials out there on how responses google checkout transaction when using c# , gcheckout api. of examples find previous versions of api , not current 1 (2.5). more specifically, i'd see example reply of google post me without , https connection. know it's minimal data, i'd still see example of , see how others parsing it.
google sends notification internally
create notification page this:
<%@ import namespace="system.io" %> <%@ import namespace="gcheckout" %> <%@ import namespace="gcheckout.autogen" %> <%@ import namespace="gcheckout.util" %> <%@ import namespace="system.data.sqlclient" %> <%@ import namespace="system.text" %> <script runat="server" language="c#"> string serialnum = string.empty; void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) { // extract xml request. stream requeststream = request.inputstream; streamreader requeststreamreader = new streamreader(requeststream); string requestxml = requeststreamreader.readtoend(); requeststream.close(); // act on xml. switch (encodehelper.gettopelement(requestxml)) { case "new-order-notification": newordernotification n1 = (newordernotification)encodehelper.deserialize(requestxml, typeof(newordernotification)); string ordernumber1 = n1.googleordernumber; string shiptoname = n1.buyershippingaddress.contactname; string shiptoaddress1 = n1.buyershippingaddress.address1; string shiptoaddress2 = n1.buyershippingaddress.address2; string shiptocity = n1.buyershippingaddress.city; string shiptostate = n1.buyershippingaddress.region; string shiptozip = n1.buyershippingaddress.postalcode; system.xml.xmlnode[] arr = n1.shoppingcart.merchantprivatedata.any; string pdata = string.empty; try { pdata = arr[0].innertext; } catch { pdata = "error"; } decimal totalprice = 0.0m; foreach (item thisitem in n1.shoppingcart.items) { string name = thisitem.itemname; int quantity = thisitem.quantity; decimal price = thisitem.unitprice.value; totalprice += price * quantity; } serialnum = n1.serialnumber; string message = "order no : " + ordernumber1 + " total price = $" + totalprice + "\r\np. data:" + pdata; logtransaction(ordernumber1, serialnum, message, pdata); sendgoogleacknowledgement(); break; case "risk-information-notification": riskinformationnotification n2 = (riskinformationnotification)encodehelper.deserialize(requestxml, typeof(riskinformationnotification)); // notification tells google has authorized order , has passed fraud check. // use data below determine if want accept order, start processing it. string ordernumber2 = n2.googleordernumber; string avs = n2.riskinformation.avsresponse; string cvn = n2.riskinformation.cvnresponse; bool sellerprotection = n2.riskinformation.eligibleforprotection; serialnum = n2.serialnumber; break; case "order-state-change-notification": orderstatechangenotification n3 = (orderstatechangenotification)encodehelper.deserialize(requestxml, typeof(orderstatechangenotification)); // order has changed either financial or fulfillment state in google's system. string ordernumber3 = n3.googleordernumber; string newfinancestate = n3.newfinancialorderstate.tostring(); string newfulfillmentstate = n3.newfulfillmentorderstate.tostring(); string prevfinancestate = n3.previousfinancialorderstate.tostring(); string prevfulfillmentstate = n3.previousfulfillmentorderstate.tostring(); serialnum = n3.serialnumber; break; case "charge-amount-notification": chargeamountnotification n4 = (chargeamountnotification)encodehelper.deserialize(requestxml, typeof(chargeamountnotification)); // google has charged customer's credit card. string ordernumber4 = n4.googleordernumber; decimal chargedamount = n4.latestchargeamount.value; serialnum = n4.serialnumber; break; case "refund-amount-notification": refundamountnotification n5 = (refundamountnotification)encodehelper.deserialize(requestxml, typeof(refundamountnotification)); // google has refunded customer's credit card. string ordernumber5 = n5.googleordernumber; decimal refundedamount = n5.latestrefundamount.value; serialnum = n5.serialnumber; break; case "chargeback-amount-notification": chargebackamountnotification n6 = (chargebackamountnotification)encodehelper.deserialize(requestxml, typeof(chargebackamountnotification)); // customer initiated chargeback credit card company money back. string ordernumber6 = n6.googleordernumber; decimal chargebackamount = n6.latestchargebackamount.value; serialnum = n6.serialnumber; break; default: break; } } private void sendgoogleacknowledgement() { stringbuilder responsexml = new stringbuilder(); responsexml.append("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>"); responsexml.append("<notifiation-acknowledgment xmlns='http://checkout.google.com/schema/2' />"); httpresponse response = system.web.httpcontext.current.response; response.statuscode = 200; response.contenttype = "text/xml"; response.write(responsexml.tostring()); response.end(); } protected virtual void logtransaction(string orderno, string serialno, string message, string pdata) { try { //insert record in database string sql = "update googleorder set googleordernumber = @googleordernumber privatedata = @pdata"; using (sqlconnection conn = new sqlconnection(configurationmanager.connectionstrings["incommandconnectionstring"].connectionstring)) { conn.open(); sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(sql, conn); cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@googleordernumber", orderno); cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@pdata", pdata); cmd.executenonquery(); conn.close(); } } catch (exception ex) { logerror("error save order no" + orderno); } //insert record in text file logerror(message); } private void logerror(string message) { string logfile = configurationmanager.appsettings.get("linkpointlogfile"); if (logfile != "") { byte[] binlogstring = encoding.default.getbytes(message); try { filestream lofile = new filestream(logfile, filemode.openorcreate, fileaccess.write, fileshare.write); lofile.seek(0, seekorigin.end); lofile.write(binlogstring, 0, binlogstring.length); lofile.close(); } catch { ; } } }
on google checkout setting page set notification page name , path , response on page. test whether notification page working or not, try log transaction txt file , once every thing working smooth can remove code.
in example pdata number send google checkout , same number in notification, used match transaction particular order.
hope code you;
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