c# - Get current System.Web.UI.Page from HttpContext? -
this 2 part question. first,does httpcontext.current correspond current system.ui.page object?
and second question, related first, why can't use following see if current page implements interface:
private iwebbase findwebbase() { if (httpcontext.current iwebbase != null) { return (iwebbase)httpcontext.current.; } throw new notimplementedexception("crawling iwebbase not implemented yet"); }
the general context controls need know whether executing sharepoint webpart, or part of asp.net framework.
i have solved problem requiring control pass reference itself, , checking page property of control, i'm still curious why above not work.
the compiler error is: cannot convert system.web.httpcontext ...iwebbase via reference conversion, boxing conversion, unboxing conversion, wrapping conversion or null type conversion.
no, msdn on httpcontext.current: "gets or sets httpcontext object current http request."
in other words httpcontext object, not page.
you can page object via httpcontext using:
page page = httpcontext.current.handler page; if (page != null) { // use page instance. }
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