agile - How do you (developer) deal with unclear requirements and multiple acting POs? -

here's question trying figure out how scrum could/should work in real life. here typical scenario encounter:

note: term "product owner" not used below. because true "product owner" - product manager in case - not make final decisions. db lead has final on many things decides how app interacts db. qa has own ideas on how things should / work - , ideas entered bugs , expected (by everyone) treated such.

  1. product manager writes story "x user needs page y".
  2. at sprint planning meeting story added sprint backlog.
  3. some poor developer grabs (or assigned) story.
  4. the developer asks product manager "what want page like".
  5. product manager (if available) says, "hmm, well, needs collect a, b, , c."
  6. developer starts working on best guess should like.
  7. developer tries hook page stored proc , asks db lead questions. db lead says "page needs d , e. , shouldn't need b".
  8. developer makes changes , commits it.
  9. qa says "i think e confusing".
  10. developer has wrangle around trying qa, db lead, , product manager agree on final page should be.

my understanding (according how have been taught scrum) it's developer's responsibility flesh out requirements page. in our environment, illustrated above, makes frustrating experience developer lot of wasted time developer while waiting powers come unified decision requirements are.

sometimes take hours on multiple days nail down requirements 2 hour task! it's hard enough enough time 1 person - harder 3!

i know anti-scrum, seems me product manager, db lead, , qa team should meet before planning meeting , hash out details of tasks added sprint. (developers have input considered, , when we've tried in meetings take full day - not kidding - hash out of details of items in backlog.)

has dealt this? suggestions? don't want ramble on long, let me know if need additional detail.

thank you!

that because true "product owner" - product manager in case - not make final decisions.

and problem. scrum says

the product owner not person, role. can product owner.

if product manager can't make these decisions, he's not product owner imho. in case find person can make these decisions, since real product owner.

i, developer ("the team" role in scrum) need find out how product owner expects feature be. owner, explains me how page should , make according description. db lead not product owner. qa not product owner. made page product owner wanted , if db lead or qa has problem that, should talk product owner. or product owner should have talked them in advance.

also why haven't db lead , qa been @ sprint planning meeting if somehow serve @ product owners, too? in case have shouted "objection", when product manager said a, b , c. db lead have said needs d , e, , b shouldn't there. , qa have said, think e confusing. long people have approve implementation after sprint don't agree on want have, not touch thing @ all.


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