java - how to localise jcolorchooser -

as part of college project localising our application.

is possible localise swing components such joptionpane , if how?

you can use resourcebundle localization in general (in option pane case choise strings , messages) . can use localized strings etc joptionpane. example:

string[] choises = new string[]; choises[0] = bundle.getstring("yes"); choises[1] = bundle.getstring("no"); choises[2] = bundle.getstring("cancel");  string message = bundle.getstring("messagetext")  joptionpane optionpane = new joptionpane(message, joptionpane.warning_message,         joptionpane.yes_no_cancel_option, null, choises); 

for more details resource bundles check out java internationalization: localization resourcebundles.


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