openxml sdk - Open XML SDK: opening a Word template and saving to a different file-name -
this 1 simple thing can't find right technique. want open .dotx template, make changes , save same name .docx extension. can save wordprocessingdocument place it's loaded from. i've tried manually constructing new document using wordprocessingdocument changes made nothing's worked far, tried maindocumentpart.document.writeto(xmlwriter.create(targetpath));
, got empty file.
what's right way here? .dotx file special @ or document far sdk concerned - should copy template destination , open that , make changes, , save? did have concerns if app called 2 clients @ once, if can open same .dotx file twice... in case creating copy sensible anyway... own curiosity still want know how "save as".
i suggest using copy dotx file docx file , make changes there, if works situation. there's changedocumenttype function you'll have call prevent error in new docx file.
file.copy(@"\path\to\template.dotx", @"\path\to\template.docx"); using(wordprocessingdocument newdoc ="\path\to\template.docx", true)) { newdoc.changedocumenttype(wordprocessingdocumenttype.document); //manipulate document.... }
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