c++ - Exceptions not passed correctly thru RCF (using Boost.Serialization) -
i use rcf boost.serialization (why use rcf's copy when use original?) works ok, when exception thrown in server, it's not passed correctly client. instead, rcf::serializationexception quoting archive_exception
saying "class name long". when change protocol bstext, exceptions "unregistered class". when change protocol sfbinary, works. i've registered remoteexception on both server , client this:
boost_class_version(rcf::remoteexception, 0) boost_class_export(rcf::remoteexception)
i tried serializing , deserializing boost::shared_ptr<rcf::remoteexception>
in same test, , works.
so how can make rcf pass exceptions correctly without resorting sf?
here's patch given jarl @ codeproject:
in rcfserver.cpp, before line rcfserver::handlesession() defined (around line 792), insert following code:
void serialize(serializationprotocolout & out, const remoteexception & e) { serialize(out, std::auto_ptr<remoteexception>(new remoteexception(e))); }
and in marshal.cpp, around line 37, replace line:
ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("dummy", apt.get());
, with
t *pt = apt.get(); ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("dummy", pt);
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