powershell - An example of using the 'from' and 'data' keywords? -

thanks this article, able come script sorts , displays keywords powershell provides:

$bindingflags =      [system.reflection.bindingflags]::nonpublic -bor      [system.reflection.bindingflags]::static -bor      [system.reflection.bindingflags]::getfield  $keywordtokenreader = [system.type]::gettype("system.management.automation.keywordtokenreader") $keywords = $keywordtokenreader.invokemember("_keywordtokens", $bindingflags, $null, $null, $null) $keywords.getenumerator() | sort-object -property name 

i looking @ list , understand class, define, using , var reserved keywords, out of curiosity, have example using from , data keywords? can't seem find anything.



use of from keyword results in this:

ps h:\> 'from' keyword not supported in version of language. @ line:1 char:1 

the topic about_language_keywords useful.

the topic about_data_sections explains data keyword, run:

help about_data_sections 

as from keyword, think reserved , not yet used.


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