sql - MySQL Query - SELECT (average of a category) AS "CATEGORY AVERAGE" -
objective: when user browses particular seller, display average along average of sellers similar category easy comparison.
example data:
seller | category | qty | sales -------------------------------------------- harry | mango | 100 | 50000 john | apple | 75 | 50500 max | mango | 44 | 20000 ash | mango | 60 | 35000 lingo | apple | 88 | 60000
required output: (when user browses ash)
quantity sold ash: 60
average quantity sold other mango sellers: 68 (avg of 100, 44 & 60)
average price of ash: 583.33 (35000 / 60)
average price of other mango sellers: 514.70 (weighted average of prices)
skeleton code:
select 'qty' 'qty',
(some code) 'avg qty',
('sales' / 'qty') 'price',
(some code) 'avg price'
'sales table'
'seller' = 'ash'
select yt.qty, x.cat_avg, yt.sales/yt.qty avg_price, null weighted_average your_table yt join (select t.category, avg(t.qty) cat_avg your_table t group t.category) x on x.category = yt.category yt.seller = 'ash'
i'll fill in weighted average when supply equation, if possible.
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