What books should I read to have an undergraduate education in Computer Science? -

i've been largely independent learner gleaning can wikipedia , various books. however, fear may have biased self-education inadvertent omission of topics , concepts. goal teach myself equivalent of undergraduate degree in computer science top university (doesn't matter one).

to end, i've purchased , started reading few academic textbooks:

as few textbooks have left on classes i've taken @ mediocre-at-best state university:

my questions are:

  • what topics aren't covered collection?
  • are there books more rigorous or thorough (or easier read) book listed here?
  • are there books waste of time?
  • in order should read books?
  • what mit or stanford (or ucb or cmu ...) undergrad learn might miss?

software engineering books welcome, in context of academic study please. i'm aware of code complete , pragmatic programmer, i'm looking more theoretical approach. thanks!

biggest 2 omissions see:

for operating systems prefer tanenbaum instead of silberschatz both good:

and order, depend on interests. there aren't many prerequisites, automata compilers obvious one. first read automata book , dragon one.

i don't know books have, ones know enough may mean others decent well.

you missing logic , discrete math books well.

and let's not forget database theory books!


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