hotkeys - What are cross-browser & cross-OS safe keyboard shortcuts usable for web application? -
i developing quite large web app , idea use hotkeys common tasks. discovered finding safe key combinations problem, regarding different browsers , oses. example chrome has such long list of hotkeys trying use kind of logical hotkeys scheme webapp impossible - e.g. ctrl+1, ctrl+2, ctrl+3, etc ...
so repeat question, have cheatsheet of safe hotkeys can used in webapp , not worry browser or os interference ?
thank you.
i wouldn't count on it. it's okay listen shortcuts use alt modifier, there's still no way sure keyboard shortcut free. users can install programs listen keyboard shortcuts, or use browser didn't expect.
if shortcuts can used when user not typing in textbox or something, might better idea listen keys pressed without modifier key.
if no textbox or other gui element focused, document.activeelement == document.body
should true. (somebody correct me if i'm wrong).
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