Connect Excel to Oracle -

can connect excel (excel-vba) oracle(in remote server) without installing oracle client in client system... tried options below throwing error oracle client should installed.

below connectionstring have used

1)strconnection = ";data source=sourcename;user id=username;                    password=password;"   2)strconnection = "provider=msdaora;data source=sourcename;userid=username;                     password=password;" 3)strconnection = "provider=msdaora.1;user id=username/password;data                    source=sourcename;persist security info=false" 4)strconnection = "driver={microsoft odbc oracle};server=(description=                   (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=                  )(connect_data (service_name=servicename)));uid=username;                    pwd=password;uid=username;pwd=password;"   5)strconnection = "server=(description=(address=(protocol=tcp)(host=                    (port=1521))(connect_data =(service_name=servicename)));                    uid=username;pwd=password;" 

you need form of client connect oracle database, local or remote.

you have 2 choices:

  1. install oracle sql*net client. if server oracle 10g or higher don't need full-blown client: can use the more lightweight instant client.
  2. buy n-tier odbc driver supports generic connectivity. openlink one, there others.

".can not connect oracle database drivers or providers present in our os(windows xp).."

think of way: odbc drivers do not connect database, connect sqlnet. sqlnet connects database.

"what difference between drivers,providers client. "

the oracle provided drivers better tuned oracle ones ms provides, in context same: both require presence of oracle client work.


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