c++ - RegQueryValueExW only brings back one value from registry -

i querying registry on windows ce. want pull dhcpdns value tcpip area of registry, works.

what happens though, however, if there 2 values - displayed "x.x.x.x" "x.x.x.x" in ce registry editor - brings 1 of them. sure silly mistake unsure why happening.

here code using

std::string isapiconfig::gettcpipregsetting(const std::wstring &regentryname) {     hkey hkey = 0;     hkey root = hkey_local_machine;     long retval = 0;      wchar_t buffer[3000];     dword buffersize = 0;     dword datatype = 0;      std::string datastring = "";      //open ip regkey     retval = regopenkeyexw(root, l"comm\\pci\\fetce6b1\\parms\\tcpip", 0, 0, &hkey);      //pull out info need     memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));     buffersize = sizeof(buffer);     retval = regqueryvalueexw(hkey, regentryname.c_str(), 0, &datatype, reinterpret_cast<lpbyte>(buffer), &buffersize);     unicode::unicodetoansi(buffer, datastring);      return datastring; }  void unicodetoansi(const std::wstring &widestring, std::string &ansistring){     std::wostringstream converter;     std::ostringstream converted;     std::wstring::const_iterator loop;      for(loop = widestring.begin(); loop != widestring.end(); ++loop){         converted << converter.narrow((*loop));     }      ansistring = converted.str(); } 

the value multi_sz, in format:


i don't know unicode::unicodetoansi does, it's looking first null terminator , stopping there. have parse past single nulls until hit double-null.


you have update code - interfaces. right you're trying returns string multi_sz which, definition, means multiple strings. want returns string[] (though i'd opt use couple output parameters - 1 that's array pointer , other element count).

you need loop through data came regquery call, maybe (off top of head, not tested or compiled):

tchar *p = buffer;  if(buffersize > 0) {     {       unicode::unicodetoansi(p, datastring);        // datastring - store in array or whatever       p+= _tcslen(p);     }   while((p-buffer) < buffersize) } 


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