java - jpa hibernate composite foreign key mapping -
i having trouble setting jpa mappings entities. have parent entity defined following.
@entity @table(name="eif_instance_hdr") public class instanceentity implements serializable{ private static final long serialversionuid = 1l; @id @generatedvalue(generator="eif_inst_gen") @sequencegenerator(name="eif_inst_gen",sequencename="eif_instance_seq") @column(name = "eaih_id") private long eaihid; @column(name = "ead_id") private long eadid; @onetomany(targetentity=instancenotifyentity.class, mappedby="instance",fetch=fetchtype.eager, cascade = cascadetype.all) private list<instancenotifyentity> userdetails = new arraylist<instancenotifyentity>(); }
i have child entity w/ composite key, , foreign key primary key of table follows:
@entity @table(name="eif_inst_notified") public class instancenotifyentity implements serializable{ private static final long serialversionuid = 1l; @id @manytoone @joincolumn(name="eaih_id", referencedcolumnname="eaih_id") private instanceentity instance; @id @column(name="user_id") private long userid; @column(name="comment_txt") private string commenttext; }
i know child entity incorrect, unsure how set have composite pk. know need setup pk class, not sure how when 1 field foreign key parent class. , once setup how parent reference child entity?
any appreciated.
this governed jpa 2 spec section 2.4.1, "primary keys corresponding derived identities". section contains 2 examples directly applicable problem.
as described in spec, there 2 ways represent child entity's key in case:
here's rough sketch of embeddedid
way. chose embeddedid
arbitrarily, choice between idclass
, embeddedid
significant. might choose differently.
// child entity's composite primary key @embeddable public class instancenotifyentityid implements serializable { long eaihid; long userid; } // child entity @entity @table(name="eif_inst_notified") public class instancenotifyentity implements serializable { @attributeoverrides({ @attributeoverride(name="userid", column = @column(name="user_id")) @attributeoverride(name="eaihid", column = @column(name="eaih_id")) }) @embeddedid instancenotifyentityid id; @mapsid("eaihid") @manytoone instanceentity instance; // ... }
the parent entity needs 1 change: userdetails
attribute mappedby
should "id.eaihid". think that's it, haven't used entities before. might have missed something... please post if see errors.
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