objective c - UITextField editing issue - iPhone SDK -
i having issue uitextfields in iphone app hoping here may have seen before.
i have few uitextfield's on screen, , when tapped , keyboard appears covered. overcome this, animated view move with:
-(void)moveviewupfromvalue:(float)fromoldvalue tonewvalue:(float)tonewvalue keep:(bool)keep { cabasicanimation *theanimation; theanimation=[cabasicanimation animationwithkeypath:@"transform.translation.y"]; theanimation.duration=0.25; theanimation.repeatcount=1; if(keep) { [theanimation setremovedoncompletion:no]; [theanimation setfillmode:kcafillmodeforwards]; } theanimation.fromvalue=[nsnumber numberwithfloat:fromoldvalue]; theanimation.tovalue=[nsnumber numberwithfloat:tonewvalue]; [self.view.layer addanimation:theanimation forkey:@"animatelayer"]; }
this, visually, works great, however, when go edit (hold screen down magnifying glass), doesn't appear. interaction retained in position before moves.
any ideas going on here?
many thanks, brett
this interesting way animate such thing, not common one.
you're animating transformation of view - not actual position of view. appearantly magnifying glass doesn't obey transformation (quite logical, sheer, stretch , skew view otherwise).
so rather animate position, i.e. self.view.frame
or self.view.center
(which boils down same thing). furthermore use [uiview beginanimations...]
etc if approach works, it's fine.
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