Count non-whitespace characters for selection in Visual Studio 2010 -
does know of tool or extension visual studio 2010 count non-whitespace (e.g. characters not spaces, new lines etc.) current selection in document?
nice have code golfing :)
i have command line tool, integrated tool nice. prefer evaluate current selection.
i got creating crude macro below first recording temporary macro in visual studio , modifying below:
option strict off option explicit off imports system imports envdte imports envdte80 imports envdte90 imports envdte90a imports envdte100 imports system.diagnostics public module countnonwhitespacecharacters sub count() dim selection envdte.textselection = dte.activedocument.selection() dim text string = selection.text text = text.replace(" ", "") text = text.replace(vbcrlf, "") text = text.replace(vbtab, "") msgbox("count " + text.length.tostring()) end sub end module
this can bound keybord shortcut if desired. otherwise, double clicking in macro explorer run it.
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