operating system - Difference between binary semaphore and mutex -
is there difference between binary semaphore , mutex or same?
they not same thing. used different purposes!
while both types of semaphores have full/empty state , use same api, usage different.
mutual exclusion semaphores
mutual exclusion semaphores used protect shared resources (data structure, file, etc..).
a mutex semaphore "owned" task takes it. if task b attempts semgive mutex held task a, task b's call return error , fail.
mutexes use following sequence:
- semtake - critical section - semgive
here simple example:
thread thread b take mutex access data ... take mutex <== block ... give mutex access data <== unblocks ... give mutex
binary semaphore
binary semaphore address totally different question:
- task b pended waiting happen (a sensor being tripped example).
- sensor trips , interrupt service routine runs. needs notify task of trip.
- task b should run , take appropriate actions sensor trip. go waiting.
task task b ... take binsemaphore <== wait noteworthy give binsemaphore <== unblocks
note binary semaphore, ok b take semaphore , give it.
again, binary semaphore not protecting resource access. act of giving , taking semaphore fundamentally decoupled.
typically makes little sense same task give , take on same binary semaphore.
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