vim - How can I stop all the colors being destroyed when I change hi Normal ctermbg -
au insertenter * hi normal ctermbg=233
doing causes colors colorscheme (elflord) go away , change defaults. can stop or work around somehow?
the code handling in csapprox is:
" colors_name must unset , reset, or vim helpfully reload " colorscheme when set background normal group. " see entries ':hi-normal-cterm' , 'g:colors_name' if exists("g:colors_name") let colors_name = g:colors_name unlet g:colors_name endif " similarly, global variable "syntax_cmd" must set vim " doesn't recognize, lest vim helpfully switch colors " default whenever normal group changed (in syncolor.vim)... if exists("g:syntax_cmd") let syntax_cmd = g:syntax_cmd endif let g:syntax_cmd = "please don't change colors!!!" " ... change normal here ... if exists("colors_name") let g:colors_name = colors_name endif unlet g:syntax_cmd if exists("syntax_cmd") let g:syntax_cmd = syntax_cmd endif
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