Nhibernate Generat wrong SQL for Oracle with locking -
yesterday i've been trying make code work inspite fact it's working fine nhibrnate , sql server when come oracle generate wrong sql
unitofwork.current.createcriteria<bill>().add(restrictions.isempty("reqid")) .setmaxresults(batchsize).setlockmode(lockmode.upgrade).list<bill>();
the generated sql
select * (select bill_0.id,bill_0.billno ...... bill bill_0 bill_0.reqid not null ) rownum < 10 update of bill_0.id
so wont run because allies bill_o defined inside inner sql statement got solution ?
the correct sql tried , worked on oracle db
select bill_0.id,bill_0.billno ...... bill bill_0 bill_0.reqid not null , rownum < 10 update of bill_0.id
since, say, nhibernate generating invalid oracle sql, suggest file bug nhibernate people. sql work if in-line view had been assigned alias of "bill_0", or if update clause didn't use table alias ("for update of id"). whether can modify nhibernate calls make either of these happen i'm afraid have no idea.
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