oop - What are the pros and cons of object databases? -
there lot of information out there on object-relational mappers , how best avoid impedance mismatch, of seem moot points if 1 use object database. question why isn't used more frequently? because of performance reasons or because object databases cause data become proprietary application or due else?
- familiarity. administrators of databases know relational concepts; object ones, not much.
- performance. relational databases have been proven scale far better.
- maturity. sql powerful, long-developed language.
- vendor support. can pick between many more first-party (sql servers) , third-party (administrative interfaces, mappings , other kinds of integration) tools case oodbmss.
naturally, object-oriented model more familiar developer, and, point out, spare 1 of orm. far, relational model has proven more workable option.
see recent question, object orientated vs relational databases.
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