c# - Rhino Mocks: How can I mock out a method that transforms its input? -
i have data access object transactiondao. when call transactiondao.save(transaction) setting transaction.issaved=true flag (this simplification actual thing i'm trying not quite banal). when mocking transactiondao rhinomocks how can indicate should transform input?
ideally write this:
expect.call(delegate {dao.save(transaction);}).override(x => x.issaved=true);
does know how this?
though got hint how answer specified below actual type signature off, have this: because of mark ingram posted, seems best answer, though nobody's explicitly said it, this:
public delegate void fakesave(transaction t); ... expect.call(delegate {dao.save(t); }).do( new fakesave(delegate(transaction t2) { t.issaved = true; }));
the simplest solution, found, applied question following:
expect.call(() => dao.save(transaction)) .do(new action<transaction>(x => x.issaved = true));
so don't need create special delegate or else. use action in standard .net 3.5 libraries.
hope help. frantisek
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