objective c - How can I tell NSTextField to autoresize it's font size to fit it's text? -

this question has answer here:

looking whatever cocoa equivalent of [uilabel adjustsfontsizetofitwidth] is.

i've solved creating nstextfieldcell subclass overrides string drawing. looks whether string fits , if doesn't decreases font size until fit. made more efficient , have no idea how it'll behave when cellframe has width of 0. nevertheless enough™ needs.

- (void)drawinteriorwithframe:(nsrect)cellframe inview:(nsview *)controlview {     nsattributedstring *attributedstring;     nsmutableattributedstring *mutableattributedstring;     nssize stringsize;     nsrect drawrect;      attributedstring = [self attributedstringvalue];      stringsize = [attributedstring size];     if (stringsize.width <= cellframe.size.width) {         // string small enough. skip sizing.         goto drawstring;     }      mutableattributedstring = [attributedstring mutablecopy];      while (stringsize.width > cellframe.size.width) {         nsfont *font;          font = [mutableattributedstring             attribute:nsfontattributename             atindex:0             effectiverange:null         ];         font = [nsfont             fontwithname:[font fontname]             size:[[[font fontdescriptor] objectforkey:nsfontsizeattribute] floatvalue] - 0.5         ];          [mutableattributedstring             addattribute:nsfontattributename             value:font             range:nsmakerange(0, [mutableattributedstring length])         ];          stringsize = [mutableattributedstring size];     }      attributedstring = [mutableattributedstring autorelease];  drawstring:     drawrect = cellframe;     drawrect.size.height = stringsize.height;     drawrect.origin.y += (cellframe.size.height - stringsize.height) / 2;     [attributedstring drawinrect:drawrect]; } 


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