android - I want a progressbar but get a spinner progressdialog -

i using public asyntask download data, , trying show progress bar show download progress. think have code right, spinner progressdialog. missing something? why isn't progress bar showing up? here code. pointers.

public class filedownloader extends asynctask<string, integer, void> { private context _appcontext; private httpurlconnection _urlconn; private progressdialog _progressdia = null; private dialoginterface.oncancellistener _progdiacancellistener = new dialoginterface.oncancellistener() {     /**      * when progress dialog canceled, stop request.      */     public void oncancel(dialoginterface dialog)      {         filedownloader.this.cancel(true);     } };  /**  * constructor.  * @param appcontext  */ public filedownloader(context appcontext) {     _appcontext = appcontext;     _progressdia = new progressdialog(_appcontext, progressdialog.style_horizontal);     _progressdia.setmax(100);     _progressdia.settitle(_appcontext.getstring(r.string.diaheader1));     _progressdia.setmessage(_appcontext.getstring(r.string.diabody1));     _progressdia.setcancelable(true);     _progressdia.setindeterminate(false);     _progressdia.setoncancellistener(_progdiacancellistener); }  // runs on ui thread @override protected void onpreexecute()  {          _progressdia.setprogress(0);;                            }  @override protected void doinbackground(string... args)  {     string dloadurl = args[0],            saveloc = args[1];             ...             ...         while((len = > 0)         {             output.write(buf, 0, len);             total += len;             publishprogress((int)total * 100/lenghtoffile);         }             ...             ...     }     catch(sockettimeoutexception ex)     {        }         {          ... }  // executed on main ui thread. @override protected void onprogressupdate(integer... values)  {      _progressdia.setprogress(values[0]); }  @override protected void oncancelled()  {          ... }  // executed on main ui thread. @override protected void onpostexecute(void result)  {         removeprogressdialog();         ... }      /**      * remove message dialog, if still showing.      */     private void removeprogressdialog()     {         if(_progressdia != null && _progressdia.isshowing())         _progressdia.dismiss();     } } 

probably forget set dialog.setprogressstyle(progressdialog.style_horizontal);

see example code works me:

progressdialog dialog;  @override protected void onpreexecute() {     dialog = new progressdialog(this);     dialog.setmessage("matching progress");     dialog.setprogressstyle(progressdialog.style_horizontal);     dialog.setmax(100);     dialog.setcancelable(false);; }  /*  * (non-javadoc)  * @see android.os.asynctask#doinbackground(params[])  */ @override protected void doinbackground(void... params) {      return null;  }  protected void onpostexecute(void result) {     dialog.hide();     dialog = null; } 


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