c# - Headless HTML rendering, preferably open source -

i'm looking perform headless html rendering create resources off screen , persist result image. purpose take subset of html language , apply small screen devices (like pocketpcs) because our users know html , transition photoshop html markup acceptable.

i considering using wpf imaging if can weigh in comments use (particularly tools point users creating wpf layouts can convert images , how performs) appreciated.

my order of preference is:

  1. open source
  2. high performance
  3. native c# or c# wrapper
  4. lowest complexity implementation on windows

i'm not worried how feature rich headless rendering since won't make big use of javascript, flash, nor other embedded objects aside images. i'd fine uses ie, firefox, webkit, or custom rendering implementation long implementation close standards compliant.


full web stack

phantomjs headless webkit javascript api. has fast , native support various web standards: dom handling, css selector, json, canvas, , svg.


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