c++ - How do I detect application Level Focus-In in Qt 4.4.1? -

i need determine when qt 4.4.1 application receives focus.

i have come 2 possible solutions, both don’t work like.

in first possible solution, connect focuschanged() signal qapp slot. in slot check ‘old’ pointer. if ‘0’, know we’ve switched application, , want. seems reliable method of getting application detect focus in of 2 solutions presented here, suffers problem described below.

in second possible solution, overrode ‘focusinevent()’ routine, , want if reason ‘activewindowfocusreason’.

in both of these solutions, code executed @ times when don’t want be.

for example, have code overrides focusinevent() routine:

void applicationwindow::focusinevent( qfocusevent* p_event ) {    qt::focusreason reason = p_event->reason();    if( reason == qt::activewindowfocusreason &&        hasnewupstreamdata() )   {     switch( qmessagebox::warning( this, "new upstream data found!",                                   "new upstream data exists!\n"                                   "do want refresh simulation?",                                   "&yes", "&no", 0, 0, 1 ) )     {      case 0: // yes       refreshsimulation();       break;     case 1: // no       break;     }   } } 

when gets executed, qmessagebox dialog appears. however, when dialog dismissed pressing either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, function gets called again because suppose focus changed application window @ point activewindowfocusreason. don’t want happen.

likewise, if user using application opening & closing dialogs , windows etc, don’t want routine activate. note: i’m not sure of circumstances when routine activated though since i’ve tried bit, , doesn’t happen windows & dialogs, though happen @ least 1 shown in sample code.

i want activate if application focussed on outside of application, not when main window focussed in other dialog windows.

is possible? how can done?

thanks information, since important our application do.


i think need track qevent::applicationactivate event.

you can put event filter on qapplication instance , it.

bool applicationwindow::eventfilter( qobject * watched, qevent * event ) {     if ( watched != qapp )         goto finished;      if ( event->type() != qevent::applicationactivate )         goto finished;      // invariant: looking @ application activate event     //            application object     if ( !hasnewupstreamdata() )         goto finished;      qmessagebox::standardbutton response =             qmessagebox::warning( this, "new upstream data found!",                                   "new upstream data exists!\n"                                   "do want refresh simulation?",                                   qmessagebox::yes | qmessagebox::no) );      if ( response == qmessagebox::yes )       refreshsimulation();  finished:     return <the-superclass-here>::eventfilter( watched, event ); }  applicationwindow::applicationwindow(...) {     if (qapp)         qapp->installeventfilter( );     ... } 


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