xml - find out if AS3's XMLList contains string as node value -

is there xmllist equivalent array.indexof?

for example -

var array:array = ['one','two']; trace(array.indexof('two')); // returns 1, since it's @ second position trace(array.indexof('three')); // returns -1, since isn't found 

... right? if i've got -

var xml:xml = <list><item>one</item><item>two</item><list> var xmllist:xmllist = list.item; 

there's got easier way check see if 1 of nodes in xmllist has particular value looping through of them, right? akin -

xmllist.indexofchildbynodevalue('two'); // returns 1, because it's second child xmllist.indexofchildbynodevalue('three'); // returns -1, because doesn't match children 

make sense?

i put demo of how can without looping. though call little more upfront work. though pays off if going checking values lot.

<s:application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"                 xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"                 xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minwidth="955" minheight="600" applicationcomplete="_init();">     <fx:declarations>         <fx:xml id="movielist" source="http://www.movies.com/rss-feeds/jen-yamato-reviews-rss" />     </fx:declarations>     <fx:script>         <![cdata[             import mx.logging.ilogger;             import mx.logging.log;             import mx.logging.logeventlevel;             import mx.logging.targets.tracetarget;              public static const movie_title:string = "inception";              private var _logger:ilogger = log.getlogger("sandbox");              private function _init() :void             {                 var tracetarget:tracetarget = new tracetarget();                 tracetarget.level = logeventlevel.all;                 log.addtarget(tracetarget);                  var xmllist:xmllist = movielist..item;                  var firstitem:xml = movielist..item[0];                 var firstitemindex:int = firstitem.childindex();                 _logger.info("first item index: " + firstitemindex);                  var item:xml = xmllist.(title == movie_title)[0];                 _logger.info("contains: " + xmllist.contains(item) + " // " + item.childindex());                  var actualindex:int = (item.childindex() - firstitemindex);                 _logger.info("actual index: " + actualindex);                  _logger.info("result: " + xmllist[actualindex]);             }         ]]>     </fx:script>  </s:application> 

the basic idea store index of first item , subtract childindex() of matched result using e4x search.


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